SENIORS 'Tick' different!
language and speechlessness are very specific problems between the generations. They determine the use of young and old, and are one of the reasons for declining sales in retail!
edit Many trade experts their market to the smallest detail and shoot still wrong, because she is the main customer group, the "young old", not reach. Adjustments to the age boom are not just on the sales floor and the presentation of products needed, but also in calling behavior of sales personnel. Is it but the seller, are vital to whether is well with the 50 + clientele, buy, and come back.
No client group has such a clear claim as the "old boys". They know what they want, are informed, highly critical, quality-conscious and look back on decades of consumer experience. You are on average more complicated and diverse than younger, and that other priorities than younger ones. Your most important purchase criteria are quality, service and security. You do not be convinced and persuaded. With empty promises and fashionable gadgets with these consumer sales professionals not to do.
people over 50 "tick" differently. You assess communication about the basic themes of "respect", "happiness" and "fear". They prefer retailers who encourage them in any way, participate actively in the life and reduces the fear of old age. Older customers expect from the seller so that they are addressed differently than younger ones. You
- want to be perceived as competent customer
- great value on personal contact and support
- want to see a patient and detailed consultation with expert knowledge, without haste and without any special treatment to leave
- give a friendly, helpful sales staff, high quality and personalized service in preference to value for money
- want to be safe in any situation feel
- Set yourself apart with offers, compare, weigh and want to be convinced
- problem solving and use benefits more importance measure for emotional as an advertising charge
- understand more if the seller is talking slowly and lodges often speech pauses
- Evaluate the social component of the purchase amount as the price
- see when shopping in addition to the supply function to socialize primarily a function of experience, the opportunity to socialize, to be with it. Since
increase dramatically, especially in the older age classes, the one-person households suffer from loneliness and older increased the feeling of being no longer needed. Shall be equated to them almost daily shopping substitute for other social contacts and participation in social life.
How else to explain it is that many older people prefer to buy at peak time on Saturday or just before closing time, when it's all in the business pushing and people stand at the checkout line? Research shows that older people queue like where the snake is the longest. So they can spend more time in the business. For some of them the only chance to socialize with people!
THE "insightful" SELLER
In a society with dominant share of older people are at the "sensitive customer," the tone. In most stores, but the sales staff is required for 50 +-sensitivity is not motivated. Especially young people need help to the specific needs, desires and ways of thinking to understand an older clientele. What makes a "sensitive" seller in sale talks with older clients? His qualification is that he
- the customer as possible respond to his name
- is a regular customer after his being asked
- a little louder and slower than usual talking
- clearly formulated
- no words youth language used
- important information repeated several times
- a breakdown by pauses in the conversation brings
- never tried more than one product to sell at the time
- the problem-solving to the fore is
- Benefits and quality rather than technology and price sold
more golden with these ten rules, the etiquette, a calm, objective professional service in the right tone, subtly and sensitively adapted to the specificities of 50 plus customers who help you find and the proper handling of objections, including recent sales!
Many of the older consumers would rather like to be served by older sellers, because they can communicate with them at the same age wave!
Renate Schmidt, the former family minister said in an interview with the magazine Focus (28/2004): "I will consult with my 60 years in a clothing store rather by someone who is roughly my age, instead of a nearly 20-year-old girl who wears size 34th" In the First
supermarket for the elderly in Austria "Adeg active 50 + market" is intended not only to the welfare of older customers, but also to the older employees: Employees who are older than 50 years get 10 percent more pay than their younger colleagues.
If companies "order" field of elderly consumers want, it's better for them, their dark suspicions and negative stereotypes about to throw overboard. Older people are generally optimistic, there are positive people who enjoy the pleasure and to have an active, vigorous lifestyle. The more the seller radiate such an attitude, the more older consumers can be obtained as a customer!