Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cfnm Dental Hygeniest

A senior is a senior, a senior, a senior

Aging begins at birth. All people want to live long but nobody wants to get old! To aging, there is no alternative. The only way to live long, is getting old. That is a fact!

Because it helps little when the term "senior" exchanged for "best agers", "50 +", "Silver Surfer", "mature people" or other man-made verbal acrobatics.

fact is that in Europe the topic "Age" is still unusual, if not provocative, it tries to displace it. Example: Nursing homes.

in other countries and cultures find such displacement does not occur. Could fulfill the elderly, the elderly, the role of wisdom: keep families together, preserve tradition, and they deliver. The age is a desirable stage in life, in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

out the old identity in Europe refused to generation barriers in communication with the conclusion that - despite oe verbal acrobatics - the seniors today's advertising is difficult to achieve and therefore tremendous revenue and growth opportunities will be given away!

with the word "senior" in the German language for 100 years, are some negative connected as degradation, decline, infirmity, frailty, helplessness, disinterest, passivity, idleness, solitude, loneliness. 100 years ago the average life expectancy in Germany was so even at 46.6 years for men and 48.3 years for women!

Today seniors are retirees but no longer close to the afterlife. They are active, life-affirming, fit, modern, financially well equipped, consumption-oriented, sophisticated, pleasure-oriented quality-conscious, open-minded, flexible and independent. Since 1900, the average life expectancy in Germany has increased by over 30 percent - and still rising!

How can the silence in the marketing communication stopped between the generations? How seniors can best be addressed on advertising? Who are the seniors really? How will the seniors best to your customers? What are the requirements to companies that want to be successful in this emerging market?

1998, I was in his early 50s, I wrote in my first article on the topic of senior marketing: "Never say to a senior senior. I punished with contempt any who dared to give me even the slightest appearance of a Seniors - I still felt at least 10 - 15 years younger. Old are always the others.

My mother, I approached to participate in a bus tour for senior citizens, indignant: "The old people I'm going but not with". My mother was 85!

This is reminiscent of the driver, flashing his fuel gauge, but he taped over with masking tape so they will stop flashing.

He, "Memento Mori", who considers his life is not that he is to die one day be a fool! Life is now times of growth and decay - and only those who consider that seal is not his life constantly ticking clock, but to living the reality.

In English usage, the term "senior" is defined quite differently. In a "Senior Consultant" (as opposed to Junior Consultant) nobody would even think of that person with an old, sick, frail people equate.

And as the marketing in the U.S. compared to the "Old Europe" always played a pioneering role and for many years ahead was and still is - think of e-mail marketing and landing pages, which in the U.S. successful, as we still extensively debated - is also the term "senior" is available in the near future in Germany, the importance it deserves: wisdom, experience, knowledge, respect. What's so negative?

U.S. marketers have realized all the other names were unclear, vague, vague, latent; just lukewarm - and who may already lukewarm?

Whether 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75 or older - just as there is only "a little bit pregnant", there is as little just "a bit of Senior"!

rebate portals for senior citizens, for example, "senior discounts" from the U.S. ( or the Senior Pass by the publisher for the German economy AG ( have very high click rates - by 50-year-olds, although "Senior" or are "senior" part of the URL.

honest time: If you are 50 years old and can now save as the "ground-card 50 for seniors" a full 50 percent of the normal price, then you are not happy senior?

the names that the Internet visitors to the target group 50 + prefer reveals the "Gogglefight. Examples:

Senior = 333 million, senior = 23 million, 50 + = 1.79 million, Best-Ager = 244 000. If

will be old in the year 2020 half of all Germans over 50 years, are perceived by the stakeholders of the company without the previous prejudices and recognized. Artificial neologisms are no longer required.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

How Many Times A Month Can You Tan

online database of senior citizens organizations

For are senior citizens organizations and initiatives, there is now an online database that is used by more and more older people.

of information and of ideas for initiatives for older people was created by the Federal Association of Senior Citizens Bureau (BaS) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

With the help of the database to inform seniors about programs in your area. More than 1000 initiatives, groups and institutions in which to engage older people
present themselves. From the Internet Cafe on Alt-Jung projects to the integration of migrants, the most diverse fields of engagement are represented.

The search function can target associations, organizations, groups and initiatives will be researched: From the opening times of the local museum on the grandparents' service to the Senior Academy.