Friday, September 3, 2004

Highlights For Almost Black Hair

A fisherman, who knows where FISHING TO GO ...

True, so very happy I was not there when I got my first blogger theme 'target group 50 +' a few weeks ago turned into the net. Who will read it? Will anyone read it at all? As the response be?

But what shall I tell you: Two days after the publication called me a childhood friend I had not seen on the day exactly 32 years. He saw the headline of my weblog "More sales and profit with the 50 + target group 'in the Google search engine and discovered my phone number.

It was a long telephone conversation. And he concluded by saying: 'By the way, in my company I count the target group 50 + has long been my most profitable customers. " When I asked how he got the as made, he said almost apologetically about the entrepreneurship Of course:

'You must be willing to respond to the specific desires, needs and dreams of financial strength, but also consumer-experienced and critical customer and you must Never 'senior' to a 'senior' say, because they are only for the other old, never herself And he said philosophically easy:

'Age is not a destiny, only some of us take and it is also an unforeseeable accident. The age is enshrined in our biological program and is a completely normal part of our lives. Of course I can with this comprehensive approach to the design and marketing of my products and services'. win

new, lucrative customers in the genes Raton 50plus, it obviously makes a lot of fun, without losing sight of the young ones. No, he does not engage in 'ghetto-marketing' but a deliberately cross-generational marketing with the motto: 'What does this mean for older people accessible, means for younger comfort! "

'Well, I said to him, I know for successful Mailing is next to the right product, correct speech and the right value proposition, especially the right place is important. With correct address, I do not mean only by mail correctly. What does this mean in the address range for the target group 50 +? "

'target group is as diverse as those of more than 50 years. Since there are, to name just four examples: the World Open, which like to travel, then the happy lovers, who want it can go well into old age in the first place, but also the critical philosopher with a certain lack of spontaneous desire and joy, not to mention the domestic Schaffer encountered in the many Heimwerkermaerkten at every turn. "

During a 20-year-old fun on Allgemeinplaetzen have similar interests and age as such as a selection feature makes sense, have emerged in older people because of their decades-long experience of life very individual personalities with different interests that can be measured not only by age . You know, there are 50-year-old, who are already totally in addition to the life and 80-year-old, which are full of zest for life only pretending.

Older people run just not behind a uniform trend, they can not be squeezed into a scheme and manipulate, that is apply, as the younger among the target groups is often the case. Due to the years of consumer experience older people with the relevant critical. Not rent your first apartment, but perhaps the fifth, they do not buy the first car, but perhaps the tenth. They put more emphasis on quality and can afford them financially, too. "

'Have you 50plus addresses from the target group, which are selected according to different criteria? For what good is a sympathetic and convincing range of mailing, the honest value proposition when it is sent to a recipient who can not do anything special? The message must fit for the address and the address to the embassy. Just as the fish for bait and the bait to the fish. Is not it? "

'Absolutely right. In the target group marketing 50plus addresses only a single characteristic, age, use means nothing else than 'to fish in troubled waters' after the Moto: some will have scrumptious. Smart anglers know the Fischgruende where worth fishing, where the large fish that match your bait. "

But where, I asked, getting impatient, you get the addresses that meet the individual personalities and different interests of the target group 50 + accurately, the message to your mailing address right? 'That I will gladly tell you! " So far the story.

And thus from current addresses of the financially strong, sales and consumer-ready 'the old boys' with their specific consumer and Freizeitpraeferenzen benefit, you can download right here and the 50 plus your mailing address right audience:

Fischer & Partner, Hamburg, Phone 040 / 604 89 30, E-mail:


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