ADELAIDE Adelaide In Adelaide we have spent the most time with Rob, Russ' brother. He lives in the neighborhood of Elizabeth, about 1 hour outside of Adelaide. Rob has the most beautiful house of all, Russia has previously also lived there, we slept in his old room. His former family houses, he also showed me his school Fortgehlokale (in Gawler) etc ... I have a lot to learn from its past, to know his entire family learned that all are pretty crazy experience or wicked things:
Rebecca (31) has a stray dog (Shady) and friend Ben. She wants to buy a house and has no $ 8,000 (= about 4000 €) on the account! (You need 5% of the value of the house to get the credit for the rem 95%) - so, how it works here (just so I can clear up this rumor that Russia would be rich);
Rachel (29) is the only married with 1.5 children and was a few years ago was shot while working in the pub with slot machines (Pokies) on a robbery (the thief, in grinning president mask, was never caught, at the time of our visit was the same pub attacked again).
Richard (27), who lives in Darwin with two children and girlfriend, was hit by a car (hit and run) and lost its taste and smell (but very clever, has, according to IQ tests have a higher IQ (140) as I aaaahhh);!
Rob (26) has a great girlfriend, Tori, and has a secret room in the house ... I "type", he grows himself, to "smoke" to 2 all in the family, mostly the head (50), but in the past, I'm surprised at all. She grew up in a cult, etc.
Robin-Anne (25) has 1 own child and "the accepted" by the friend Luke, she fought constantly with Rebecca about money lent clothes etc (they are too similar).
And Russ (23): yes, the baby of the family of the family all love him, are proud of him, he is like the whole family and with him was really a wonderful time in Adelaide. And I like his crazy family, REALLY! His sisters, mother, have lent me some warm clothes, did his mom give me even money for my trip, ... With / by Rob's was really funny, at its huge terrace, we had BBQ for the family (I baked six apple strudel, all eaten on the same day!). Just FYI: Russ has 106 cousins, his mother has eight brothers and sisters, they turn up to 10 children ... (And are all still in the sect, I think that there have something against its prevention, hehe).
We also visited many of his friends (Shane, Phil, Luke, Amy, ...), drove around in Adelaide (the city where it is cultivated for each block area - is a block greenery - with the sweetest houses )
were at Central Market, where I Russ 100% identical rolls (warm!) Pretzel and could buy, at Glenelg beach where many locals spend their Christmas (Sonja and Andre, Hint)
with Amy and Luke in the famous Barossa Valley wine-tasting and, thereafter, in TWO WELLS a superb salad buffet. Luke is a professional motorcycle racer (dirt bike) and has a number of quads (4raedrige motorcycles) at home. I am the first Time in my life parade, it was a very great feeling, you realize the vastness and freedom of this country if you order directly from the door out over the golden-yellow racing wide fields. Luke's words: "Just follow the dog!" It was soo funny and indescribable, and even romantic feeling, Sun 3 dogs to hunt with soot behind. They had already planned to go camping next weekend with the quads on the Yorke Peninsula (sand dunes). By then we were sure we extend our stay and meet with them. We wanted to not let these (one for me) opportunity missed.
Rebecca picked us up more often. We are, after ST. KILDA went to a pub (the pool games), they gave us once brought the train to Adelaide (see photo: Shady = Safetydog and soot on the Rueckbank)
so that we again to the Central Market and could go to the SOUTH AUSTRALIA MUSEUM.
2 nights we spent in a hippie house of Russ' Mum in Callington, about 1 hour away from Rob's house. The company of Russ 'Uncle Ken is nearby, in Russ' work alternately Mum and 2 of his sisters (kitchen). There we were able to beat their bellies full, and we went to Rebecca's car while she worked on to Victor Harbour and across the bridge to GRANITE ICELAND (where there are penguins) and up to THE BLUFF (with views of the coast).
with Rebecca, we are in a famous German village called down HAHNDORF (for "dumb" (DT) tourists, who get money from the nose want to be drawn - Toffife costs 24 dollars, but very nice)!.
The three brothers together on the grounds of Uncle Ken's Company (Russ, Richard, Rob)
Friday night we started our camping trip. With Amy, Luke and his brother Jamie and 3 motorcycles, swags for sleeping, LM for 2 days, etc. in the luggage, we went to the over 2 hour trip to the Yorke Peninsula, where we met at the camp to other (male) friends who are already protective tent had built up and the quads, etc. introduced. On 1 Time for me it went in the dark behind the Quads over the sand dunes behind the experienced Luke. For a long time I was not afraid of anything so! After the 1st Exit I had a conversation with Russ was about trust, etc. Then I have nothing else left but my health Russ to trust my body. And after a conquest, I'm back has gone and it's all gone well (at least on Saturday, more later) and has made great fun. One of the best experiences at all. In the end, I even drove myself once, on the beach and once I've brought back Russ by sand dunes to camp. 'm Proud!
photos I've "only" unspectacular from the beach. Everything else was too steep, too fast, too dangerous, ... And the best photos (and photos of me) others have in their mobile phones, camera's: (
The biggest excitement for me was still alive when we stopped in front of us and a maximum-toxic BROWN SNAKE meanders over the road. As in "universe". Wow! In the evening, but this time I checked our swag (something like a sleeping bag, with sewn-in mattress and cover "- so you can completely windproof sleeping
s). Russ (actually banned open fires, 5000 dollar fine, but I've not even ignited) fire in the wood search (Frogmouth) found owl baby. He's put back and a few minutes later we are sitting at Mama's owl in the tree view:)
Sunday last day, go to lunch again like crazy, spirited, we were already stoned all (the remaining men and drunk, one had forgotten the first day in the night to check the petrol, he has lost in the sand dunes, it was the tank, Russ and Luke had to look him in the dark and cold temperatures 2h - Mobile phone reception is not there). We had to try everything that we had not done before:
On Amy's Quad (see photo below), we have Luke to 4th! BY the sand dune and taken to Amy and me (at the same), he's gotten to the rear tire along the beach. Since it was the only reasonably nice day, at least the sun was shining, clouds and hardly in the camp at least no wind (Sand, we had been everywhere, would be here no later
received my camera), the Russians tried again (unsuccessfully) on spear fishing. But dolphins are jumping around quite close to him. Nice! And the sea. Wow! The Australians actually spend more exciting than we ever can WE in Austria! Again, I became so few realize the possibilities of this country ...
Amy has thought of it that I completely on the vast sand dunes (see photo below) come up (which only went with a more powerful quad, a friend of theirs took me):
AND: the best, thanks be to God for the first circuit, otherwise I would be with the other, weaker quads become stale! She also made sure that I have the chance rumzuduesen with a Banshee (a stronger viiiieeeel Quad). But I had to entrust the constantly stoner Craig. BUT: it was the coolest experience at all! Wow, I know not with how many things we had come through the sand, the steep hills are GEDU ... on the beach's were I think 100km / h (without a helmet or other protection for me). Madness, but great and I really enjoyed this ride Kamikaze to the fullest. Again! Juhu!
During Meanwhile, Luke rumgezogen the guys at a found old "Surfboard" and stunts made with carbon black (the same as he did with Amy and me)
back in camp, just before packing up, Russia has meant we should still moving one last time. And then it happened. Since Russ is pretty heavy and not soo voiced while driving, he had his weight always pretty move back if we wanted to have a steeper hill, ie he pushed me off the seat, then just the wrong moment a sand woe jolt over which we and knocks me completely on its side (so no seat to sit on). But rule number one: ALWAYS hold and because I have not missed Russ, we are both overturned and the Quad (well, as about 100 kg) left on my leg. I thought it's over me it has the Legs pulled apart, so I now have the total right inner thigh along black spots. After 1 Shock and extreme luck, not that the exhaust has landed on me etc, I probably had to come back to back on the "horse" around the camp. Thank God nothing worse happened (the opportunity / threat surprisingly low but anyway) and besides that I'm still tense, one notices until the patches no longer was. At least ne great story! And now I've really been through almost everything: first by bus to the beach, then with a 4WD, Quad, Banshee, ... if I had but the horse made in Fiji, ...
On our last evening was again almost the whole family together in Rob's house and they got me with half a cheese cake with candles and a loud early "Happy Birthday to you" surprise! I was blown away. Sooo sweet.
Adelaide was great! I'm glad to have been there (and have chosen not to me at the time, otherwise I even while flying back to where I would have been). I liked the area very well, and the city (actually, every tourist has spoken very badly about it). The climate was nothing for me (a bit like Austria, but with greater temperature fluctuations, on a day 36 degrees, the next under 20 and this is the year above). I am pleased to have Russ' family got to know, and especially that Russ was important that we meet;)