Shortly after I published the last blog entry with photos, Russ has got a call from Darwin - a job for about 2-3 weeks from now! I could not believe that Russ just said, "Hooray, perfect, etc., etc. Let's just move Adelaide. To me, everything went too fast and I am full of jerks out, but Russ had forgotten that these very 2-3 weeks actually my last will should have been here ... (Russ wanted or try to take me up to Darwin) after a long conversation we came to traenenreichen inevitable conclusion that we must always be ready when the final call comes with flight data, etc, that we go separate ways. You can apply not imagine what were the onerous days. From there we just did nothing.
The risk that any day could be our last joint has brought us closer together, we again demonstrated that separation is really insurmountable. We have really enjoyed the day. Do the same day and left everything behind, are shopping to Southport, to the movies (How to lose friends and alienate people), have cooked, ...
Long story short, after almost one weeks tremble job rejection! Haha, what an April Fool's joke in November!
With Sarah (= CS) and her boyfriend we were both at the Glowworms (Glowwormhoehle the largest in Australia, really romantic, would not be there soooo many (Asian) tourists, and the middle of the night).

The BBQ on Sunday should never be with Cubbies parents, but with Amanda. She ordered avocado dip and Bananacake with me. Here is the recipe for a lactose-and gluten-free banana cake:
preheat oven 180 degrees
beat 4 beat 4 eggyolks
eggwhite and mix together with 1 cup brown sugar and 1 / 4 cup melted margarine 1 cup riceflour
add (or other GF flour), add 3 mashed bananas
, 1 / 2 cup soymilk was, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and 1 / 4 cup walnuts
grounded in beated eggwhite mix and bake for 45 minutes
every 2nd Monday again Monday-Day with Roland. We are approached's quiet and were like in our first day's walk Spit on the beach and ice cream licked, but we thought it could possibly be our last day together. At home, we arrived at the same time with Sonya and Andre, I have was eagerly anticipated. The two are friends of the Bine from Vienna, I've just learned even know. Here, I understood perfectly the first time around with them, Roland and Andre were at least for 1 hour deep in conversation. It was a great welcome and to 4 Are we then my oesterr. Andrea went to visit girlfriend at Aldi. I have a date as to her home - she wanted me to introduce her family. We had a great interview, you have a pizzeria (free pizza of course!) ... i feel really very much at home, have so many friends / acquaintances to whom I can go go ... even an old man named Jeff, whom I met when passing thought that I should knock on him just before I leave.
Sonja - heaven sent you - as a physical therapist and has Bine Russ and I treated the same. Her English is not as "therapy" safe - Andre has the background vocabulary dt to the Internet (leo) and send translated almost simultaneously. My knee problem is unfortunately of life (my life), but I can train every day to be pain free, but well, I would have to start first time ...
The next day Russ and I went for the 2 Time since I'm here giving blood, then we spent a relaxing day with Sonya and Andre have cards (Uno) and Wuerfelpoker played. For dinner I had Sarah and Nicole invited to travel two Maedl in summer to Europe and come to us from 26 June for a few days visit in Austria. We have given them the full zeal travel tips, now we all want to return to Austria and see what we want them to see. Can not wait.
The last day we spent with Andrew and Sonja at the Broadwater "park" just around the corner, with home-made lunch, have ever played cards (Kampfuno) and Wuerfelpoker. We had a lot of time with them and finally they have cooked green curry. Mah delicious. There's more photos on her blog .
The next day we went around all morning (with Sarah and Nicole, who flew by chance on the same day at the same time to Cairns) to the airport in Brisbane. Andrew and Sonja have left there we had a key so they could at least sleep. We agreed that it again Sunday to Wednesday to get here (yes, we should come back here Monday noon).
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