I wanted one last time alone on a beach, grant me peace and time to think, before hitting the big city life (and Ranong) Bangkok is. There
between Takua Pa and Ranong to the Laemson NATIONAL PARK, which stretches over 50 km along the west coast of Thailand and several beaches added. Although I have heard rumors that because of accommodation, not as good looks, but leave me out that I again find a homestay (who has no guide). Already on the way there, past small villages locals, I was also aware that the whole thing was a good idea but maybe not. I give up and make it easy but I did not want. As Cameron says so beautiful, "That's the plan, it can not be changed".
Ok, in the middle of nowhere - 3 km in front of the beach - I was "thrown" the only ones off the bus, there are other public transportation no. A pickup with two girls who two men and a pregnant woman with child stopped and took me along. On the beach arrived, there was not actually (Beach in a high speed, the 2 Mädler).
They thought they could me 50 km further up the BANG BAENST BEACH bring
... it would have meant the Thais are not always so good with me and for their plans I forged. They wanted me the next day by 13 clock to pick up and show me RANONG - a city that was only because on my route because I make my then Visarun had to Burma, but otherwise I had no interest. What they meant exactly that, I did not know they said almost no English, we call a translator and the only way and could communicate with hand signals. Interesting, and yet they wanted me to me down a Thai SIM card so they can come in contact with me.
I wanted it all not only wanted to stay longer on the beach, etc. But finally alone his argument would have been futile, would have only made communication difficult and everything complicated. With the Thais it's really not easy, damn how stupid ne occasion, they grin and kiechern always say yes to everything and really understand a word.
The next day, my last day at the beach, which should be a day of rest and relaxation (at least up to 13 clock, which made the whole thing from the beginning not easier). Before the clock 8 NATIONAL PARK (and the beach) for free. Watch out, early morning, I snuck to escape to "Mama" over to the grayish Thaifruehstueck (rice soup etc) and had the km-long, wide beach all to myself. Wow ...
... No way! SAND FLIES! After 1.5 h and over a hundred stitches in, I ge "pierced" and I'm back where I pick up a spicy papaya salad (5 Chillies = natural defense against insects). This left an hour in coming, and I had only good for 1.5 hours for my lunch enjoy FREE BEACH. Well, photos of this "beach" below. Phew, good thing I was still in the water before. march
... nothing there! The 3 guys from the restaurant have been following me and placed directly next to me to me carefully observed while eating to make myself up and down to inspect, jokes, ... Westerners are rarely seen here.
After 30 minutes I have it given up and accepted my mission of being alone as a failure, not me geaergt and the remaining Time with the boys (14-16 years, but in appearance and behavior about 9 years, the Thais) rumgebloedelt. It was like in Africa, they have groped my skin and hair, I had to say-AH - I wanted to see seals, etc.).
went Item 13 clock's on the direction of Ranong, with so many stops at relatives and the mangroves that I would only arrived by 16 clock. They wanted me to go in the HOT SPRINGS. But who wants a very hot day in a 70 degree warm pool? So they took me outside in the city center Ranong a nice Guesthous
I used my free time (at last) for blog writing and long skyping with friends. Time passed so fast that I went until midnight on the 15-minute journey home. The streets were totally abandoned, and I have already hinted at a friend that I am afraid before going home, not before the Thais, but the stray dogs. And indeed! Such a Naherlebnis with a wild dog that wanted to biting, I've never had and 1 had time in my life I cry for help.
I took all his courage and me against the two snarling, gnashing of teeth dogs found - the first Time I understood the saying: "Barking dogs do not bite." They can hardly be intimidated and I've never once cried for help, look around me to loopholes, ... then the "battle" given up and passed me from my calf, biting his teeth and closed her eyes ...
... Silence. When I opened his eyes again, the dogs backed away. And since I've seen, a fat woman with a steel pipe in hand, she has chased and beaten up was and the ws also not the first time
I ran home, with my healthy legs. Wow was that fast and I can only speak of luck. Dad, now I'll get the pepper spray!
My journey continued, therefore ... before that I had to Burma for a new 15 day visa. An extremely hectic action. In 3 hours it was all over my passport and the man him, had I lost for about 30 minutes out of sight, but somehow it was then at the Burm. Border, another man in the hand. So everything went well and after the experience of the previous day with the dogs I am also remained calm and let me by the (thank God) guide professionals. And that I anhustetet of border officials and then spitting blood, I had to not care (I have so fortunately the tuberculosis vaccine).
let's get out here and on to Bangkok. For it can only get better, right?
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