Malaysia Singapore Part 1 Ahhh, Malaysia, a country where even the bus driver holds, if only 1 passenger must go to the bathroom (er, yes, I of course). Noted time and again that I physically had to switch back on the road.
After 260 km in Melaka finally: "The historic city state of Malaysia," conquered by the Portuguese in 1511 and 1641 by the Dutch respondents.
Cornelia's Couch Surfer host, Jimmy, lives in a heavily guarded luxury student with a swimming pool, etc. Actually, it may not but no guests have about eight, so we will (again) purely had to get out and steal (with our huge backpacks, very inconspicuously).
Malaysia is in many of European than we think. It is quite touristy (Asians), but really there's not soo much to see (pictures of the Asians always so basically everything). For us it was Malaysia, therefore, the land of traveling and eating (the market). The 3 main crops here are Malay, Indian and Chinese.
Russ was of course also always present. Me's Driven to the Internet to skype with him (video) (he had tears in his eyes because he misses me soo - sweet)
sunset on hill at Paul's Chapel. Does not look like Jimmy Mogli?
Night Market in Chinatown, really great!
KUALA LUMPUR: hot, hot, hot, dirty, dusty and hot!
The arrival of a nightmare, I would have done almost limp with my heavy backpack and the "climate" there. Cornelia's CS-host was not very cordial and midnight (in their prayers), we always had to have at home (had no key, slept with her in part to 5 in room, hot, hot, hot, etc.) could
Russ ago I his departure to the United States does not reach more directly. Sights's not in KL.
BUT: we were - invited by a dear CS on the evening of our arrival to a CS-x-mas party - thanks to Cornelia. After a few hours we have, thanks to bad directions (one Asian) and finally found executed. We could actually
find a taxi driver, which we passed here (who want to earn anything and all refused us who know not their environment). Just in time for Buffeteroeffnung we arrived. And what a buffet!! So many people from different countries and cultures brought with them something that finally there was once again green salad with balsamic dressing. Even Packerl we got.
The 2 Ju
have ngs us for the next day also invited to the Hilton for dinner (buffet, I already knew from Melbourne). Go there for Cornelia, "but now i would rather eat a mountain lodge and Kasspaetzle. It was a very nice evening and the boys have accompanied (past the Twin Towers) to the next appointment with Cornelia's CS Nanie in the Skybar, Traders Hotel. Wow, the coolest bar in which I have ever been, with swimming pool and all the trimmings.
The next day we had lunch with my chines. CS Isabel to a c
Hines. Brunch in a luxury Chinaresti agreed. Na servas, we only treat anything. She has ordered us traditional Chinese dishes, we "had to" taste everything, then they said we only ate what we do. Mostly good, but all white and yellow, and THANK GOD! it has forced me not (and can not be left) to eat chicken feed. IIIIgggiittttigitt!
After Cell Phone (fake Nokia, made in HUNGRARY, waaasss?) Shopping and Weihnachtskekserl (out again shopping center, it was just too hot), we have to Gaurav, the Indian boy from Christmas (and Hilton) appointment to the Indian food. Yes, eat again and everything was paid for us.
was THE KL.
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