Thursday, November 10, 2005

Proteins For Sale Singapore


delineation of consumer groups, the chronological age of people only conditional, for the senior market segment, not at all. Not determine the age and sex selection, but the buying behavior in the qualitative Sense.

An examination of the target group of "old boys" on their features, will quickly realize that this is not a homogeneous group. Instead, older people vary considerably in their properties and the resulting need need. Some behave like old men and even with 50 others with 70 as young people. You can be 40 as 60 or 60 until 40, depending on life style and nutrition, hereditary factors and stress. The challenge is to find tailormade for each client!

have one thing in "Young Old" common: they want addressed in no case to their age be! Marketing for the elderly should therefore be no age marketing but must be a life experience of marketing, which takes up the lifestyle of the "best years"!

No other target group thus has many individuals, so people with different behavior patterns, feelings, life experiences and skills, such as the "old boys".

The risk for advertisers, marketers and sellers is so large, these free-spending, experienced and critical consumers wrong to say, to communicate in the best case, past them to hurt in the worst case, their feelings. "In order to win over 50-year-old great sensitivity is required, "says Alexander Wild, founder and chairman of in an interview with the trade magazine".

As a 25-to 30-year advertising not naturally feels, thinks and acts like a 50, 60 or 70 years, it comes again 50 + to serious errors in the promotional approach of the target group and the loss of revenue and profit opportunities !

No matter what industry, I recommend as a first phase, to divide the target group 50 + in sub-target groups. To this end, the provider must determine which group of people behind its 50 to 70-year-old customer. Are the entrepreneurs, managers, doctors, accountants or handyman?

In the second phase covers the needs, interests and problems of the target group. And not just in relation to the petition to end product, but broad in the areas of life, leisure, cultural and other interests. This results in different types of customers, design environments and subject areas in which the product can be positioned.

The 4 main types of customers
for a senior-friendly approach

A. The senior of the future

innovative, open-minded, future-oriented, positive attitude,
is adventure driven, making frequent visits to the constant search for novelty,
in foreign countries

B. The happy lovers

connoisseur who wants it can go well in his old age in the first place, sociable,
complacent, moving mostly in local, regional area

C. The disciplined philosopher

tend elitist, thirsting for education, culturally-aware, critical to pessimistiche
on life, a serious approach in all activities, commitment and discipline,
certain lack of spontaneous joy and pleasure

D. Retired The domestic Schaffer

, let's home fixed practitioners and Schaffer, special interest in work
in the house and garden. Strong need for security, quality-conscious and well-insured.

(Source: TA-Media AG)

Those who know the interests, views and attitudes of its customers, speaks to them specifically. The market makers must learn to look closely and ask to distinguish different groups to meet their specific needs and requirements correctly and to find tailormade for each client!
Despite the differences in the expectations of elderly clients to purchase a common component: In addition to the supply function, the shopping for the Senior primarily a function of experience! He seeks social contact and places more emphasis on friendly sales staff as to expertise or value for money!

Saturday, November 5, 2005

Delta Dental Ppo Vs Aetna Dmo


What word everyone hears the most? Which word of each person reacts with a hundred percent certainty? Right! On his own behalf. His favorite word!

Let us use this fact and speak to the recipient mailing to his personal name. Pure emotion!

No other form of advertising than the "direct advertising (other than personal Verkaufsgespraeche) creates the" Be-emotion ", this" touch the soul. "

they have the issue of direct mail from this perspective, consider that one?

know professional writers who Recipients of mailings will have answered two unspoken questions immediately before reading further: 1 Q: I am interested in this? " 2. Q: What do I get? " (What's in it for me?)

the reader in a maximum of 20 seconds for him a satisfactory answer, the letter ends up unread in the trash! Before

but the view of the reader to the value proposition in the mailing is aimed, will see his subconscious his personal name. Did he discovers his eyes, and he has also written more correctly, the chances are great that the recipient continues to read!

direct marketing with a personal approach is particularly useful for the target group 50 + purchase decisions Importance.