Thursday, January 1, 2009

Opalescence Gel Expire


Coming to Singapore, of which I had actually dreamed about 10 years. Now I really did not want out. Still, I had the feeling that Singapore Proper first Asian city for me (also recovering from the heartache).

I've already Juana (my couch surfers host) and finally back to the correct large city (in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, ...) happy.

My anticipation faded but again, when I immediately after landing at the airport my emails in the free available internet checked. A warning from a friend on Koh Phi Phi (= island in Thailand): is there a new law since 12/08/2008, after crossing overland to Thailand, you get approved a 15-day stay, and you must present a paid return ticket. Na Boom!

Every little thing threw me off track, especially if the problem is called VISA. Desperate, I arrived after 1 hour train ride from Bukit Gombat Juana. I thought I would have to but now my air ticket to Bangkok exercise the next morning to avoid the silly visa (entry by air = 30 days stay). Inwardly, I was able to move but not just in the cleanest city in the world where I could stay with someone nice, to dirty, hectic city of Bangkok.

Juana was really a good choice, one of my angel, she said, you ueberstuerzt nothing now, stay here and tomorrow is a 2nd CS from Austria.

I will write! After Visa

should research the apparently agree actually ... I wanted to hear nothing more of visas, all confusing so and expensive. Add to this the pain of separation. How embarrassing but when I told Juana, that her father died very suddenly 2 years ago and to their religion / tradition, the mother at home seven days mourning and includes intensively. Then it is over with the official mourning period and the mother must be strong for their children, society, etc. But that gave me a big kick in the A. ... (Sorry) was added. Russ's still in this world with me, albeit on a different continent. A few days I have yet to be, then I should really tear together.

My flight to Bangkok was gone, so at least I had no more influence to fly home or continue (World Travel Ticket ade). With the job in Singapore, it has become nothing, for what reason? working visa, aaaaaaarrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I can not stand it any longer, the word. But wh can I edit the topic then from Austria.

Am Saturday only briefly with Juana out (they dry their laundry here) took place in the neighborhood and by chance an Indian-Malaysian wedding (the houses are on purpose - for such causes - higher built). Wooowwww! As in 1001, a dream, beautiful dresses, gorgeous jewelry, the whole atmosphere ... madness, which can make like a "garage"!

Then I went shopping at the market (soo much rice) and eat (that was a bit disappointing, my first meal in Singapore - Indian: regional specialty but I will not really cost). But otherwise I was impressed with everything I've ever seen.

For Dinner Juana had boiled up big and invited friends and CS. And the globe-trotting Cornelia (last 10 months) from Salzburg, who has just flown in from Denpasar, was also at last. We both had tickets to the (annual) biggest beach party in Sentosa, but both had no desire to go (they upset stomach, I heart pain). We could give our tickets to the other CS.

Sunday was laundry day, when laundry reinhaengen Cornelia (rain), but the humidity is anyway nothing really dry.

I am so glad that Cornelia was there. In the late afternoon and after almost two days, she has managed to lure me off the computer and I saw the first Something from the city. We are übern CLARKE QUAY (theater) to CHINA TOWN.

We both really wanted to ERIK's famous oesterr. Bakery / Wuerstelbude. Since we have not looked at all the food there, otherwise, it was "expensive" and the Hawks (that's called the food courts there) with the Chinese (= over 70% of the population) rather grisly and ungustioes, we bought whole grain rolls and pretzels from Erich. More we could not even eat anyway (stomach and heart). So we have fitted the first time around together:) and Cornelia has decided to stay longer in Singapore and travel with me through Malaysia to Thailand (though she has learned to know me in "this state").

We have made Singapore "hard-core". Daily sightseeing from morning until night, till my feet ached and back; between ambassadors (visa Australia and Thailand: we wanted to pre-fetch a 60 day visa for Thailand - otherwise people get under the new law just 15 days - but false alarm: apparently are Austrians and 20 other countries of the new law excluded. So once all the excitement for nothing).

We were eating and the Gerichtspraesentation pretty disappointed until we FOOD REPUBLIC have found at all the nicest food court franchise.

We have passed through Little India, on numerous temples and altars. Photos of the flowers with which they decorate the altar or himself to pray.

In ORCHID ROAD, the famous shopping street (there's usually modern shopping centers but also on every street corner), there's a corny Christmas from November to December, we must wanted to see at night. While waiting we know the German Bennie learned.

The next day we are on our recommended BUGISSTREET and ARABSTREET. A real insider tip: great fabrics, colors, fashion. I'd know where I'm going to buy time with "a lot" of money and empty suitcases (clothes) (from about 60 €).

And the temple! What is missing is the elephant. But take off your shoes (wash and, oops) is not forgotten.

The famous Raffles Hotel reception with exotic men and most beautiful Christmas decorations on the palms.

Ferris Wheel (Singapore Flyer)'s here too.

DAS (artificially created) landmarks of Singapore: Merlion, huh? -breathing fish / lion? Well, one can invent everything for tourists.

We waited again and chatted until it was dark. CLARKE QUAY at night.

And everything has to have his order. Rent at the bus signs.

A short excursion to the orientation and directions to make the Asians:

cultures are so different really that afraid of the Asians seem pretty gehfaul or any effort that would have one really can know in advance (how many times have you seen Asian backpacker?). An example from everyday life: to spare us more times change, Juana gives us the tip to the Australian coach. Message to drive. We have to go but once. Ok, no problem. After about 45 minutes drive on it, we get that we are still swirling around in Juana's residential area, we were not more than 2 MRT stations. If we were driven to the subway, we would have saved us one hour and yelled containing 2 times must change.

The huge BOTANICAL GARDEN certainly was not bad, but it was too hot for that. After SENTOSA ICELAND (where the party was held). Actually, we'd have us can think after we saw dei "artificially" nice / clean city ...

... the monorail we went over to the island, behind cranes from the port, on the other side of the gondola from the "MOUNT" FABER to the island. The "mountain" is about as high as the pillar. Cornelia as "extreme" mountain climber and was disappointed when I could no longer understand the world with their different views. Sentosa Iceland turned out to amusement parks for Easy Entertaining. The view from the beach.
Well, Cornelia, the photo looks ned better.

huge hotels, even the sand is swept on the beach.

When ice and juice we have we can still really go well and have watched the Asians in their group games (for one thing we have also used sometimes). We were really relaxed before going to Ladies Night came up.

We met with the other (CS) to dinner in Chinatown and drinks (who could only afford the other - see price list - Singapore Dollar / 2 = € - including beer) at Clarke Quay.

355 ml 10.49 6.49 11.99 7.99 12.99 14.99 500 ml

1400 ml 19.99 31.99 36.99
weekends 12-18 18-21 21-close time

goods then in 2 different places. On 1st It was so cold (air conditioning) that the doorman with a hood and gloves stood. It was midnight grat is Lycheemartinis for Maedl and "exotic" European dancers and a great show. In the 2nd good live music by the ugliest band constellation in the world. It was really funny, especially when a rumbling came on the stage and lay down a show. I was at 1 Time in Australia right away, the tears flowed, although again, but in the end it was great fun and a great experience.

We got only 2 hours sleep, then we had the great Singapore behind us and take along with Cornelia's went on to Melaka.


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